Nigel Farage, one of the prime movers behind Britain's referendum on leaving the EU in 2016, launched a Brexit Party to fight next month's European elections.
The third functional muscle group is your synergists, and they help the prime movers usually by either lending them a little extra oomph, or by stabilizing joints against dislocation.
The result was rapid progress in astronomy, physics and other fields, and new inventions from the pendulum clock to the steam engine--the prime mover of the Industrial Revolution.
The Origins of Totalitarianism 极权主义起 汉娜·阿伦特 by Tom
Politically more important, private investments in distant lands, originally the prime mover of imperialist developments, are today surpassed by foreign aid, economic and military, provided directly by governments.
And there's another prime mover that we don't talk about enough, which seems a little bit unlikely in the context of disruptive innovation, and that is large bureaucratic institutions.
At the same time, there are antagonist muscles that are working in reverse of that particular movement, by staying relaxed, or stretching, or contracting just enough to keep those prime movers from over-extending.
That's what's been obsessing me over the last years, that's the investigation I've been on, trying to figure out what are the prime movers when we see change this momentous.
This equipment allows us to stimulate all the major muscle groups using a number of different exercises.(37) The 'multi-gym' is particularly good for the 'prime mover muscles' such as biceps, triceps and pectorals.
And I think we should say, given everything that's happening in the world, we should point out that, you know, one of those prime movers, which we should shout from the rooftops, is vaccines.